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It all started with a baking and drawing course in high school. 


My very first cake was a Winnie the pooh cake that came from one of those pre-made character cake pans. As I went to release the cake from the pan, the cake stuck to the bottom of the pan and the face of my cake was ruined. I was heart broken but something inside of me was determined to recreate Winnie's face. I did just that and Winnie was back! I showed that cake off to everyone who had eyes like a 1st place trophy. I was hooked and fell in love with decorating cakes. Since then baking has always been a major part of my life. Combining flavors and perfecting recipes has been my main focus over the years. My educational background in Pastry/Baking and Fine Arts has allowed me to create designs memories are made of. Whether its a birthday party or wedding I can create the perfect cake for you. Everything here is made from scratch using high quality ingredients and a heaping portion of love! I give all the glory to God who has given me this vision for Sienna Cakery and allowing me to be the best version of me I could be.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on to your own understanding proverbs 3:5-6


Thank you for visiting,


Danyahl Jarrett









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